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Is your business in need of a WHS health check?

Is your business in a healthy position to manage the Work Health and Safety obligations that are required of you?
Are you aware of your Work Health and Safety obligations?
Perhaps a WHS health check is what your business needs.

If you are unsure of your obligations, don’t worry because you are not alone. Many businesses find it overwhelming and confusing to ensure that they are meeting the legal obligations when managing Work Health and Safety in the workplace.   

What is my responsibility as an employer?

As an employer, you have an obligation to ensure the workplace health and safety of all workers whether they are employees, volunteers, or contractors of your business. You are also responsible to ensure the health and safety of other persons, such as visitors, is not put at risk by the activities of your business.

Workplace Health and Safety for small businesses requires a tailored approach. Most should include a review of the work environment, work systems, plant and structures, substances that are used or stored, as well as providing adequate information, instruction, training, and supervision for work to be carried out safely.

Safe Work Australia is an excellent resource for specific duties and activities for Workplace Health and Safety for small businesses.

What is a WHS Health check?

In an effort to aid small businesses to achieve compliance, Big Yellow Safety has developed a WHS health check. It gives an overview of how your business is meeting its WHS obligations.

Upon completion of the WHS health check, a tailored report is issued to your business. The report has been developed to identify both areas of compliance and areas where improvements would be recommended.

If you would like support Big Yellow Safety has a dedicated Workplace Health and Safety Consultant to assist. Contact us on 07 5655 4047 or book an intro session.